For example, I’ve installed a language app that sends me new stories and vocabulary. To receive and read them, I don’t need to have the app open: a working mobile and available Internet connection are the only conditions.

Mobile push notification on Android Mobile notifications sent to Android are non-permission-based, meaning Android users are automatically signed to receive them. It’s always possible to unsubscribe by clicking Notification settings under each push and enabling a sleep regime for the corresponding app. The same can be done in your phone Settings > Notifications. To send pushes to iOS users, you need to actually ask if people want to hear from you. In case they deny your request, you won’t be able to reach them via this channel. Their response – whether it’s Don’t Allow or OK – can also be changed manually in the settings. But, let’s be honest, few people know about this option and even fewer would bother with figuring out how to do it. So when offering to subscribe to your mobile pushes, use all the copywriting wisdom and marketing tricks as you have only one shot.

Why your business needs mobile pushes

When properly integrated into the overall marketing strategy, app notifications can bring you numerous benefits. How exactly?

Pushes are easy and fast to create. You don’t deal with templates, HTML code, image editors, embedding, size, colors, borders, etc. In other words, you don’t have to be a layout designer to compose a mobile push from scratch. Since they typically consist of text only, it takes you several minutes to come up with a new message. Which is essential when you need to send urgent news or updates. They are automated. You can add them to workflows that would be launched in response to any user action, for example, order, event registration, or any app update. Such workflows are created once and then run automatically when triggered by the corresponding event.

Look at this example of the workflow that’s triggered by order placement. After a user has made an order in your app, they receive an order confirmation push, notifying that the order is being processed and will be delivered soon.

Workflow example with a confirmation mobile push

They can’t be missed by a user. Modern people spend more time with a mobile in hand than ever. So the messages you send to it are most likely to be opened or at least noticed. Mobile pushes don’t go to Spam. They can be integrated into an omnichannel workflow. You can use mobile pushes alongside other communication channels – Email, SMS, Web Push. They make an especially perfect combo with emails: the push notifies on the important email that has been sent to the Inbox, and the email itself contains full information and more details. Mobile pushes can be used when there are no user contacts. Each device the user has installed your app on is assigned with a token. It serves as an identifier leading the notification from the sender to the particular device and serves as a kind of user contact. You don’t need an email address or phone number to send mobile notifications.

How to use mobile push notifications for effective marketing

There is nothing complicated about mobile pushes: you simply write a short text (title and main body) with crisp details. However, there are several best practices that will help make them more engaging and effective.

Send a clear short message.

A push notification is typically short, with up to 200 characters for a title, and up to 1,000 characters for a body. But I would recommend sticking to 40 – 50 characters. Depending on the screen width, the first line of the push, visible without unrolling, contains about 45 characters. Even if the user clicks Clear without opting to read the push in full, the main info should be delivered. Look at how FatSecret does it. The first line, that’s visible by default, contains the necessary information and doesn’t need the second one to understand what’s the reminder about.

Urlolled mobile push on Android

Add emoji where applicable.

Not all offers can be paired with an emoji and not all should be. But if the tone of the message and the text limit allow so, add a complementary symbol to make your message more appealing. Emoji can be added to both title and text, but don’t get too excited: one or two symbols are enough to set the mood.

Add an image.

If you use a good push automation platform that supports images for mobile notifications, add one to your message. So that the message doesn’t look too heavy, it can be placed instead of the text. In this case, make sure it’s not just a picture but a kind of a banner with all the important information.

Segment your contacts base.

Nobody likes receiving cold messages that have nothing to do with their own interests. To make your mobile pushed response-generating, send them wisely to the contacts that find them the most useful. For this, segment your contact base based on the parameters applicable to your business. It can be order type, average check, app activity, location, etc. For example, segmentation by location is a perfect solution for delivery apps that can send their audience from different cities and even districts only corresponding offers.

Personalize pushes.

You can personalize your mobile notifications using dynamic content (Velocity). By personalization I mean inserting in the message the data directly connected to the particular recipient. It can be a name, order data, address, expected delivery, subscription expiration date, etc. This data is added to the message automatically based on the variables you specify. You don’t have to manually edit each push writing down names, days and cities. As a result, your recipients get the message that reflects their interaction with your brand. And of course personalized mob pushes are more likely to be responded to than their regular bulk siblings.

Mobile push personalization in the eSputnik system To sum up, mobile pushes have a great potential for any business with an app. The role of smartphones in our lives is overwhelming and it doesn’t seem to shrink any soon. By sending well-composed personalized mobile pushes you promote your brand recognition, send important news, regularly keep in touch with app users turning them into loyal customers. [su_note note_color=”#e3ecf0″ radius=”2″]

Author’s Bio

Iuliia Nesterenko is a technical writer at eSputnik. Her focus is on exploring current digital marketing trends and describing new strategies for email marketers.[/su_note]  

What Is a Mobile Push Notification and How It Can Benefit Your Marketing Strategy  - 97What Is a Mobile Push Notification and How It Can Benefit Your Marketing Strategy  - 90What Is a Mobile Push Notification and How It Can Benefit Your Marketing Strategy  - 2What Is a Mobile Push Notification and How It Can Benefit Your Marketing Strategy  - 74What Is a Mobile Push Notification and How It Can Benefit Your Marketing Strategy  - 41