Briefly about some names

What is the proxy? All devices have their IP addresses. It is like your home address, only here instead of names or letters, you have numbers. Based on the specific combination of numbers the system can tell your approximate location. So, by entering any website the system will already know where you are from. If you turn on the proxy, you will change the IP address. Imagine you are from Deli, but you choose an IP address from the US in the proxy settings. Guess what, now officially for any website you visit you are a US citizen. With proxy you can get all those things:

security-now it will be more difficult for a hacker to steal your personal information. Since you protect yourself from any harm by hiding your real IP; productivity-if you are a company owner, it will be possible to restrict access to certain entertaining websites for your workers; accessibility-now you can freely surf the Web without being worried about local blockings.

All the IPs that SOAX company provides are on the whitelist. This means that Google or other search engines will not see you as a bot. No CAPTCHA or blocking can stop you.

What can go wrong

There is a rumor that proxy owners can steal your data and sell it to interested third parties. It is true if you decide to use some unknown service provider. Maybe it will be cheaper, but you will have to pay twice as much to keep your personal information safe. That is why we recommend you to look for an already famous company which has a long history of successful business. For instance, read the reviews on Trustpilot and see whether the info on the main page of a service provider can be proved by real users.

SOAX company – is it worth trusting?

How can you use their services? Choose the most convenient pricing plan-it can be WI-FI or a mobile proxy. If those options are not suitable for you, create a customized pricing plan. You can try any of the options for only 2 USD. There is no need to trust a single article on the Web about the company. We will not persuade you to buy it if you don’t want to. Check it out for yourself – read some comments and reviews, and decide if the SOAX is right for you. If you have any questions, feel free to contact technical support. You can start surfing with 100% anonymity and safety right now.