The base of internet identity is the Internet Protocol (IP) — the set of rules that encompasses the interactions between interconnected devices on the web. To tie everything together each device has an IP address assigned by the Internet Service Provider (ISP). With a unique string of numbers for each individual, connections do not get confused, and sensitive data packets do not end up in the wrong hands. Just a few years ago, the main attraction of the fascinating structure of the internet was its anonymity. While it had its fair share of downsides, most users felt comfortable on the web because no systems were showing clear intent to undermine privacy.

While the average consumer remained clueless, the dangers of disregard for online anonymity started to creep in. Today, even the more gullible internet users often feel uncomfortable with personalized ads, third-party cookies, and other products of private data aggregation. To shake off the feeling of being watched, we turn to internet privacy tools. While the days of the anonymous web are not coming back, we can use proxy servers and other software to hide segments of private information. With these intermediary servers, anyone can add a stop to the flow of data and utilize a different network identity. In this article, our goal is to discuss the use of these internet privacy tools and explain why proxy servers are the best option. The IP address carries a lot of information about the user, including their choice of an ISP and approximate location. What we want to focus on is the ability to manipulate geolocations and get access to all parts of the internet. Last, but not least, we will address why companies and casual users gravitate towards a US, German, Indian, or UK proxy. While location change is also achievable with Virtual Private Networks (VPN), big pools of proxy IPs, having a UK proxy and other unique IPs for other tasks bring a lot more flexibility to the table. Let’s take a deeper look at geolocation manipulation and how it enriches our browsing experience.

Why do we need proxy servers?

Today, while the web offers far more useful and convenient features, it comes at a cost of anonymity. Tech-savvy web surfers that remember the good old days are horrified by how much tech companies interfere and demand private user information just for the use of their products and services. Even if many users prefer convenience over privacy, the lack of ability to opt-out of some features and tune balance to suit personal needs terrifies attentive internet users who value security and anonymity. Proxy servers help us preserve a portion of anonymity as we change IP addresses and the information contained in them. With multiple servers, one can use a different proxy for each browser to only use the service when necessary and not lock in the entire connection as so happens with a VPN.

Location changing is the greatest strength

To ensure the protection of private data contained in an IP address, you need a reliable proxy provided by a legitimate top provider located near you to maximize internet speed. However, a whole new world of opportunities opens up when we start using proxies for geolocation changes. If the goal is to save money, choosing the US, Indian, German, or UK proxy is the key because these countries have the most IP addresses. If you do not live near these countries, finding the best proxy might be a bit more difficult, but the proxy market is full of great providers offering IPs all around the world. Location changing is used for business-related tasks, such as website localization, market research, and ad verification. Still, having the ability to access the web through the eyes of a foreign user helps us better understand key differences and visit unavailable websites.

Freedom to bypass restrictions

The traversing of barriers highlights the importance of privacy and anonymity on the web. Due to unpredictable government policies or company decisions, not everyone is fortunate enough to see every corner of the free internet. In many countries, the largest social media platforms and search engines have never been available due to harsh restrictions. Geolocation manipulation uses a proxy server to avoid these barriers, hide your network identity, and enjoy the desired services. If the usage of a distant proxy hinders your internet connection, you can have a designated browser for anonymous browsing and a separate one for other, frequently visited pages. Proxy servers help us manipulate geolocations, and their flexibility is an essential tool in the modern internet.